Friday, January 11, 2013

Got Ice?

I sit here looking out the window. With all this rain melting the driveway black, I am thinking of rivers and steelhead though just a few days ago, I was on the phone to Brad whilst standing in the tackle shop.

" You need anything while I'm here?"

Brad's reply made me chuckle out loud.

" Nope. I still have some of the stuff I bought last year, still in the package!"

I was in for new auger blades but could not help picking up a few tungsten jigs. Apparently they are the latest thing. They look identical to the lead painted ones I was using last winter but these are smaller and heavier. When it comes to ice fishing for perch and panfish, I am a big fan of small presentations. Maramooska's are my favorite, down to a #18 - #20 hook. The only downside is that I need to use shot on the line to get the jig down. These new tungsten jigs resemble the same jighead shape as the Maramooska but are weighted enough that I only need to send it down the hole. Having no shot on the line heightens the sensitivity.

Safe ice, from a personal comfort level, around here is scarce at the moment. The ice seemed still in its early stages so while there was good fishing to be had up on Cooks or down at Mitchell's, I was not willing to make those longer drives just yet. Instead, a local pond would have set up as thick as those farther away. I text'd Brad and told him to come by the house after 9am and we would head over to check out the ice conditions.

" Bring an ice rod with you just in case. "

When we arrived, we were alone though boot and sled tracks on the pond proved we were not only the first nor the stupid ones eager to ice fish. A slow shimmy with the rope in hand " in case", we followed the tracks to some pre-drilled holes. It was all solid so we popped a fresh one. Three inches of solid good black ice with another inch of white unstable ice encrusted on top.

Not what I consider 100% comfortable. We moved in away from the main channel of the pond and punch a few more holes and started jigging.

There wasn't much expectations of icing let alone getting into fish however, five hours later, I called it a day as I wanted to surprise my son at school and pick him up so he did not have to take the school bus home.

I don't think this weather we are currently having will do the ice fishing anglers any favors. Looks like the 13' rod will need to come out of hibernation next week.


  1. Good stuff Gil. I was really hoping to get out on the hard water this weekend/next week but with this mild weather I am also thinking more about getting out the waders and float rod.

    'safe ice' for me just cant include a shimmy with rope in hand LOL I am a big chicken in that regard!!

    Those tungsten jigs sounds awesome, I must pick some up in the event we do end up getting some decent ice back.

    anyway, good luck if you get out in the near future - this weekend is of course hockey, hockey and more hockey for me but I sure hope to wet a line next week!



    1. LOL!!! Ya, "shimmy along with rope in hand" does not sound confident or smart. For the record, Brad went first because 1. he was as anxious as I to ice fish but I am more logical and slowed down allowing him to naturally be in front..... 2. he is heavier than I and 3. it is my rope. ;)

      Those jigheads I got from Steve in Lambeth. $1.99 each and well worth the cup of coffee for one.

      Its hockey and soccer five days a week for us. It's living vicariously through them these days. It's all worth it though.

      Get out there, long or short sticks ( well not the latter for another few weeks). Would love another one of your recaps Steve!

  2. Good stuff Bud! Hopefully ice conditions improve at some point this winter. I would like to punch a few holes with you!

  3. I with Harv with the 'Chicken' thing especially when I would be bringin the kids.
    I am really looking forward to watching their reaction...they love ice fising ...and so does this big kid.

  4. Cheers guys!

    When the local ice is thick enough ( more than 6 inches), my son has been asking and I'll take him out but he will still have a PFD on when he goes out there for the first time. :0
